Saturday, May 26, 2007

Corridinho on the chromatic button accordion

Busy day today, so I'll leave you with some music for now.....

This corridinho features two accordions.I love the way the piece speeds up toward the end.

And here's one for two 'concertinas'.


Gardenia said...

Thanks! Always enjoy the music!

sp said...

great videos. I love the second one with the kid smiling and his foot tapping away.
I think the cinephile in me is drawn to the background of the 3rd video with the guy standing with a beer in his hand like it's no big deal. He seems almost bored while the concertinas play.
Wonderful music. Thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

Excellent videos! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think the guy with the beer is wishing he could do something musical. :)