Monday, February 19, 2007, what do you write about?

Today I asked S if he read blogs, and then spilled the beans and mentioned this place. I don't usually talk about mister anchovy much. I like the fact that my readership, such as it is, has developed more or less organically. A bunch of people know that mister anchovy perhaps isn't my given name (har, they think they know the real me), and I do nothing to prevent people from figuring that business out if they think that is a good use of their time.

S asked a couple perfectly reasonable questions. The first was, what do you write about? Good question. I mumbled something about accordions and painting, while thinking, my god, I don't have a business plan. There are no rules. I can post anything I want. What good is a blog like that? You know, model-train-heads can go to model train blogs and knit-heads can go to knitting blogs, and foodies can go to food blogs... I never fill out the section on my template where you are supposed to describe your blog, because, well, I'm simply not sure just what the thing is all about. Now, if you asked about my other blog, The Southern Ontario Fly Fisher, the answer is's about fly fishing, silly.

About mister anchovy, maybe I should just say, it's about anchovies, silly?

The second question S asked me was if I had ads, yet. Well, as you all know, I don't have ads, and let me say now that as soon as I get the idea in my brain that this is a money-making venture, please feel free to whack me upside the head and say, it's all over now, baby-blue...shut her down. Not that I have anything against ads on blogs or bloggers who choose to have ads on blogs. Not at all. (I don't read the ads...quick poll...have any of you actually clicked on an ad on a blog on purpose, even once?). I simply like the fact that mister anchovy is pure, well pure something-or-other-whatever-this-is. Pure folly.

I often think of painting as my folly. I make paintings in spite of the fact that few people want to look at them, and fewer people still want to buy them. Occasionally, somebody will ask me if a show I exhibited in was successful, and I never know what to say. I want to say, oh yeah, some peculiar fellow wandered in a week or so ago and really dug the paintings.... but I know the answer is supposed to be in financial terms, like, oh yes the collectors were lined up, and as usual, all the paintings sold before the opening. I remember a show I had at Loop Gallery a few years ago (it may have been the show with Scott Childs called Two Miserable Bastards). A guy came in and went into the back gallery where I had a bunch of small paintings. He was in there for the longest time. On his way out, he went over to the comment book and wrote about one of the paintings, called Superior: this is one of the best paintings I've seen in years. Too bad I don't have the money to buy it. I wish he had said something...the painting would likely be on semi-permanent-hardly retrievable loan right now (if you're out there and you remember the painting, contact me).


Wandering Coyote said...

I'm not a fan of the ads myself, and I've never clicked on them. Nor do I ever plan to put them on my blog. Too commercial, and I'm not about to start pimping myself out for a few coins here and there.

sp said...

Isn't this a blog about anchovies?

I agree on the ads thing. I've even tried to stop writing about products I like because I saw it as being a type of advertising. I'm kind of obsessive that way.

That said...
The fact that "there are no rules" is one of the things I like about blogging. For me that was the point when I set out to start a blog. While I hoped I could shape my blog to be about one thing, in the end I knew I'd be limiting how I express myself.

One of the reasons I venture over here, mister anchovy, is because I know I'll find something new and intersting to read or listen to or look at. I haven't visited your fly fishing blog for perhaps obvious vegan reasons, but I'm happy to visit mister anchovy.

Gardenia said...

I like the fact that our blogs are focused on - us - our lives, our likes, our ramblings, our cats, whatever. I've had too many critical paths going on in my life. I need to just go somewhere and hangout and relax, so thank you for being one of those places.

I love your paintings, and if you take layaway, I'm ready! I know artists that do.

When I think I should be selling more than occassionaly, I remember artists like Van Gogh, who weren't seriously considered 'till they died. Not much comfort - but hey, immortality is a good trade-off - I think.

mister anchovy said...

gardenia, what painting interests you?

Candy Minx said...

Ah I see a home for a painting looming on the horizon...

Hey great post, I found myself trying to catch up, what is this post about, how did S and Mr.A start talkign what is this existential meandering...I love it.

I don't click on ads, and I frequent several blogs that have ads...I almost don't even see the ads anymore, just check in to see if there is something interesting who cares about ads?

I also don't care one way or the other if someone wants to make money or not...or has a theme or not. I enjoy themed blogs, like decorating blogs, clothes/fashion blogs celelbrity blogs....but I prefer the ones that feel lie emotional expression of another person.

I like checking out what my pals are doing...reading soemthing that makes me think about things differently. It's really fun to be engaged on ths level online.

Too bad that guy at the show didn't leave his name, why why? He missed out...

Gardenia said...

There were three in particular - I will go back and look.......

Gardenia said...

You have my email (I think) - what are the sizes on the next to last painting, the riot of flower-looking images (yellow, white, blue) and the color blocked one, lots of yellow again with the little white circle - in the middle of the slide show? Include prices too. If you still need my email addy, let me know.

mister anchovy said...

gardenia, send me your email. go will be able to identify paintings by titles. cheers.

Timmer said...

I posted my comment on Timmer in response!

greatwhitebear said...

The thing that makes me keep coming back and visiting this blog is it's increadably eclectic nature. Music, art, fishing, politics, Toronto life,gardening, and even the occasional recipe!

Every day is a surprise here. that's what makes it so interesting!

tshsmom said...

I'm here for the same reasons as GWB. It's FUN here!
I've never clicked on ads either. The type of ads I really hate, are the bloggers that put their gift registries on their sidebar, and say "Feel free to buy me a gift".

* (asterisk) said...

Keeping it loose is the best way to be. It must be hard blogging about only one topic, surely?

And I'm not into ads, either. It makes it look like you run your blog as a business. Which I guess is fine if you have millions of readers, but most of us don't. And that's fine too.