Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Last King of Scotland

We went out to see The Last King of Scotland this afternoon. It is what has been described as a 'semi-fictional' story 'inspired by real-life people and events'....about a young Scottish doctor, in Uganda to 'make a difference', who remarkably enough becomes the personal doctor (not to mention closest advisor) to Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. I know, the storyline sounds unlikely. However, the acting of Forest Whitaker overcomes any shortcomings in the plot. Whitaker's Amin is as charming as he is brutal. As the film progresses, we see Amin in rages, paranoid, killing off enemies and perceived enemies with abandon.

Whitaker has a good cast of supporting actors around him, and the film is helped along further by some excellent cinematography. As Tuffy P said to me at the end, "This movie really messed me up..." Go see this one.

On the 5 anchovy rating scale, this one is a 3 1/2 salty film elevated to just over 4 salties on the strength of Forest Whitaker's excellent performance.


Wandering Coyote said...

I want to see this, but I'll have to wait a bit, I think. I saw the first half of Pan's Labyrinth today but the DVD wouldn't play the second half. Grrr. The first half was incredible, though.

sp said...

Ah, we were trying to decide if we should go see this or the Children of Men. I thought this film might be too bleak. Boy, did I not know what I was in for with our choice. I do want to see this. I think Forest Whitaker is brilliant. It's next on the list of viewings for sure.

Red said...

I am soooo looking forward to seeing this. Maybe next weekend...

Anonymous said...

Don't miss the bit where Idi plays the accordion !

mister anchovy said...

Just one more reason to go see this film!

* (asterisk) said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Mr A. The missus is looking forward to it (as she says above), and I kind of am too.