Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bye Randy

Randy was a stray cat on our street who started to hang out at our place a while back. He reminded me of Caine in Kung Fu, sitting outside the temple in the rain for days, until one day the monks brought him some rice and invited him in... Eventually, Randy moved in and decided that our place was pretty good. Randy was a young cat, but he had feline leukemia and we knew he wouldn't have a long life. Sadly, his life was much shorter than we expected it to be. He had a mass near his heart. Blood wasn't getting to his back legs, and his heart was beating too slowly.

Randy had a friendly but independent spirit. He appreciated a little affection and he liked to be around us, but he kept to his own space. We already miss him a lot.


Gardenia said...

Oh, poor Randy. But I know his last months were good if you took him in. He does have that kind of wise, all knowing look doesn't he? Sorry - I know you'll miss the fellow.

Wandering Coyote said...

How sad. At least you gave him some comfort and security during his short life. He's a beauty, too.

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

I'm very sorry for your loss; it's hard to lose a friend. Randy was beautiful.

Underground Baker said...

That is a nasty cat disease. So sad. He certainly was beautiful. Hope you are doing ok.

Rick Rockhill said...

Sorry to hear about Randy.I love kitty cats. All animals really. Thanks for sharing the story.

Candy Minx said...

Oh, I am so sory to hear about this sad loss. At least he did have some good life with you all and the catfamiliy...he looks so relaxed in that photo, what a cutie.

* (asterisk) said...

Sorry to hear about Randy, Mr A. I remember you mentioning some time ago that he had FeLV. Very sad. He's such a handsome devil, too.

Red said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Randy's passing. I hope he didn't suffer too much, the little fellow. I'm sure being with you guys made his last few months easier to bear.

mister anchovy said...

Thanks for your kind words, everyone.