Tuesday, January 09, 2007


We're taking Twiggy to the vet tonight. She's been having mobility problems, but we don't know the cause. Twig is an old girl - we think she's about 17 - and she's a wonderful cat.

Twig had a physical exam and everything seems normal... we also had them take a blood and a urine sample to see if there is anything nasty going on with her kidneys or anything like that....we'll have results tomorrow.

Some good news - Twigs blood work produced normal results for a cat her age. The urine work indicated the very beginnings of kidney disease. Neither explain her problems. Perhaps she is getting arthritis, or perhaps she got in a fight with one of the other lions one day while we were at work and is bruised up. Hard to say.


Wandering Coyote said...

I certainly hope everything is OK.

Anonymous said...

Poot twiggy - she looks like a sweetie cat -