Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tuffy P has a brush with fame

Tuffy spied a fellow on the plane from L.A. to Toronto she thought she recognized. In the luggage area in Toronto, she approached him and said, "Excuse me but you are the best-dressed and most handsomest man in the airport tonight....would you be Herbie Hancock", and he said, "Yes I am", and they shook hands. Then Tuffy asked if he was in town for the Joni Mitchell tribute and he said he was, and said she was an amazing musician.

The guy standing next to Tuffy sat behind Herbie for the 5 hour flight, knew he was somebody famous but didn't know who he was, but thought Tuffy did and asked her. Turns out, this fellow was also kind of famous as he is the creator of the world's only graphite violins, Len John. Some of you may have seen the television documentary about him.


Anonymous said...

Look at fancy Tuffy P knowing there was a Joni Mitchell tribute!

Welcome back Tuffy P, and what a riot you went up to Herbie Hancock and all. Love it and love what you said to him. Stagg is sitting next to me and he is drooling!

Anonymous said...

See, I've always maintained that Tuffy would be fun even in a Cuban jail: "Excuse me but you are the best-dressed and most handsomest man guarding this prison....could we get a CD player for our cell?"

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

That is VERY cool!

* (asterisk) said...

Great story. I'm afraid I wouldn't have known him, but I think he once did a track called "Rock It". Is that right?

And is it just me, or in that picture does he look a little like a slightly older, black version of Harry Connick Jr.

Red said...

What a cool way to approach a celebrity! I bet Herbie was chuffed to bits that he was being spoken to in a calm, articulate way rather than mobbed by crazee fans.

Timmer said...

Ha, ha. I don't think that I would've recognized Herbie Hancock. What an interesting time you had!

mister anchovy said...

I don't know about that track, Asterisk. He's done a lot of material. He was pretty well known for playing with Miles Davis on Bitches Brew back in the day.