Wednesday, January 24, 2007

OK, what's in the jar?

After reading this post on The Underground Baker I started a batch of starter today (in a fit of madness). I'll report on it's progress. Meanwhile da baker has posted a barm recipe - we're talkin homemade yeast of the non-sour variety. I love the fact that these are old, old processes, and that they are really pretty straightforward, even if they seem exotic in our pre-packaged world. I love also that they are just a wee bit obsessive......


Anonymous said...

I like that they are a wee bit obsessive too. But I am deeply suspicious of processed I like old recipes that might take some time, and that the secret of their flavours is dependant on their time for preparation or cooking. Like soup.

I look forward to hearing about your starter, did Underground Baker FedEx it to you, or did you find some somewhere?

mister anchovy said...

I'm just following the instructions on da baker's site.....this is day 2...

Anonymous said...

p.s. that was me as "anonoymous...I don't kniow why it posted my comment as anonymous, just thought I'd let yu know.