Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Twiggy enjoys a dripping tap


Anonymous said...

She's funny.

Hey, I turned the word verification off at my blog...are you able to comment now? I wonder if it's because I accidently switched to beta blogge there is a problem?

Red said...

Our cat loves a dripping tap too. And he also has a marked preference for Evian in his water bowl rather than mere tap water (pwah!).

mister anchovy said...

Candy, I still can't comment on your blog, not even anonymously. I've heard of other people having problems with beta... I suggest you do a post on it and ask for advice.

* (asterisk) said...

Red said what I was gonna. Oh well...

Blogger Beta is the devil's work. Don't switch until ya have to!

Wandering Coyote said...

Hey - our Boswell likes doing this too, only in the shower! He actually gets in the shower when it's running and licks the bottom. It's so funny.