Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

I hope you all enjoy a happy and healthy 2007.

Thank you very much for stopping by here at mister anchovy in 2006. I appreciate all your comments. Special thanks to those who have filled in for me during the times I've been away, keeping this place vibrant and interesting.

Also, I'd like to raise a glass to all the new friends I've made this year as a result of this blog.



Red said...

And a very happy 2007 to you and Tuffy P! Glad to see that your friend Jim did get to spend Christmas with you guys after all... that's beautiful and heartwarming.

Those puppies you met on your walk through West Toronto look cold! I hope they had a kennel to shelter in...

* (asterisk) said...

I'd like to second my wife's good wishes to you both.

Happy New Year. May it also be prosperous and fun.

zydeco fish said...

Happy New Year to you too (a bit late).