Saturday, December 02, 2006

further investigations in the secret lab....


Anonymous said...

These are awesome!

Gardenia said...

ooooooooooh, NICE! Top one and bottom one my favorites!

mister anchovy said...

Some time ago, when Stagg was in town for Big Show, I let him loose in my studio. After a couple days, I walked in to find he had filled the studio with collages, many of which containing pictures from a stash of porn magazines he stumbled across in the alley behind the building Big Show was in. When he went back to Chicago, he left behind a number of these images in various states of completion. Parts of these images made it into the top and bottom paintings I've posted here. The sat in the studio for a long time before finding their way into my own painting. So these ones are dedicated to Staggman, the Emperor of Ephemera.

Anonymous said...

Stagg told me last night that's what you were painting on, I didn't want to say in case you were keeping it a secret, but I was howling with laughter. I think thats the funniest story that you said he could borrow your secret lab and he right away managed to find porn in an alley and start sutting up images in your space. I am laughing as I type this. I live with his collages, and one time my sis was like, I'd like one of Stagg's pieces. I'm like I'm not sending you art you won't hang.

Then I explained what about the kids seeing Mexican assasination photos in paintings and political assasinations hit squads and porn shots of women can you hang in your house with kids? Ha ha ha....

These are delightful once again MIste ranchovy!!! Love the colours.

Stagg said...

I feel famous.


mister anchovy said...

that would be "internationally famous"

Anonymous said...

So these are collaborations. Cool!