Friday, December 15, 2006

Credit River Cranks

There is a loose association of trout-hounds who haunt the upper sections of the Credit River, northwest of Toronto. They stand in the water and wave bamboo sticks - they are fly fisherman, and they refer to themselves at the Credit River Cranks. A small tradition has developed that involves a couple social occasions each year, one before Christmas and another at the start of trout season. Tonight was Christmas dinner at a restaurant out in the suburbs. It was also the night in which the Bishop of Cranks gives the award for angler of the year. There are no criteria. He simply picks who he feels like picking for any reasons he likes. The winner keeps the plaque for a year. We have the name engraved on a plate and glued to the back. A really nice guy named Henry won this year. I have to admit I too am a Credit River Crank. We enjoyed a couple beers, lots of heavy-duty protein, like steaks and ribs, and swapped stories about chasing trout. It was a great evening. The season will be open in a little over 4 months. I can hardly wait.


Underground Baker said...

Why am I not suprised that you are a crank?

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that you have annual events with other fishers. I am actually quite stunned by the ever mysterious ways of Mister Anchovy.

mister anchovy said...

.....that's the way it should be (heehehee)