Be careful how you vote!
For all those in the Toronto area, be sure to vote today in the municipal elections. But in the words of blues great Sunnyland Slim, be careful how you vote, for the one you vote for just might let you down.....
For all those in the Toronto area, be sure to vote today in the municipal elections. But in the words of blues great Sunnyland Slim, be careful how you vote, for the one you vote for just might let you down.....
Posted by
mister anchovy
4:34 p.m.
City TV is hilarious, four minutes after the polls closed they declared Miller the winner of the mayor's race, and then informed Jane Pitfield on camera and asked how she felt about her lost. She said: "WHAT!" and then recovered quickly and declined to accept their declaration.
Sorry L.M. I hope Miller does leave her in his dust. The Gardiner has to be torn down, and the traffic needs to be calmed and no bridges to the isalnd and no developement of Cherry Beach, and womens and gays right need to be protected, and medical group insurance maintained.
I am surprised Pitfeild could say anything, doesn't she have Harpers special something something in her mouth?
Do we really need another politician spouting about "clean cities and lower crime"? Pitfields major platform was a clean city and lowered crime, what century is this woman living in anyhow? When will a politician actually have something valid to represent us with?
No apology necessary, I didn't vote for her. (come on! as if!)
Oh good..I don't know. I was wildly calling everybody in Toronto after reading this post and trying to find out who won. No coverage here. And took several calls to find someone at home.
What was everyone out drinking after voting?
Interestingly enough, Candy, one of Mr. Miller's campaign platforms was increased community policing.
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