What's inside?
Information Junk pointed to a an article about Agartha, the supposed world in the centre of the Earth. This reminded me of a guy I heard on the radio years ago. My dad was with me, and we talked about the interview for some time after. This guy was planning on entering Agartha through the super-secret portal in the Arctic, cleverly hidden from external view......and he was going to do it in a mini-helicopter. But that's not all. He planned to visit with the natives as he travelled all the way across the inside of the earth, where he planned on exiting in Antarctica. He expected the natives would welcome him, and it would be a smooth trip. He didn't explain if there were special places for a mini-helicopter to fuel up, or if he was planning to pack enough fuel for the journey. Same with provisions. What if he didn't like Agarthian cooking?
hahahahah, he must have been having an MRI too. Joking aside, I think such imagination should be applauded!
...and be given tax free status as a recognized religion.
You just gave me a whole new way of looking at the tv show LOST...maybe the lost inhabitants entered one of the holes...and this would explain the polar bears...because according to the link above Cananda has portals into the earth.
I love this idea, Journey to the Centre of the Earth I thought was a cool movie when I was a kid. This is like the movie Shangri La or something very sweet.
Remember Buckaroo Bonzai...which I must remember to pick up on dvd- thye had inner dimensions and alternate ways inside matter...?
Hey heads up...got interview almost ready to post with David Moos...
I am grateful for any sort of explanation for "Lost" because I'm totally addicted to that show (and sort of delighted with the premise of a tropical island with stores of convenience food and no bugs.)
How could you not like the cooking? Everything is on a stick!!
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