Thursday, October 12, 2006

Question from the "If God wanted us to vote" department

for you Toronto bloggers..... any good candidates for mayor you see? seems like pretty slim pickins.....


Gardenia said...

I dont' think God wanted us to vote. I think He had a good setup going, but we just kept messing it up, so He said, "OK, do what you want, but don't come whining to me." Thus the mess we are in. :)

mister anchovy said...

Utah Phillips sometimes quotes an anarchist named Ammond Hennessey as saying, "If God wanted us to vote, he'd have given us candidates".

Candy Minx said...

See now, voting in Canada is a no-brainer for me. You need to consider who most closely protects tolerance, social programs, and the environment.

If you don't know who to vote for...pretend to be Tommy Douglas.

As far as I'm concerned it your don't protect medical and environment and tolerance in Canada when you vote you are commiting treason.

Voters are always rused in by "cutting taxes" that's compelte bullshit. The best countries int he world do have higher taxes but they also have higher qualities of life, better health care and social class differences are less extreme.

Pitfeild and De?(I forgot his name, the Liberal dude and what is she Canadian Alliance or Tory?) are platforming on "cleaning up the city" and "tax cuts" the oldest tricks in the book to suck in voters. Forget it, the city is cleaner when taxes stay toward health care and city jobs. Plus, it is important to fight the corporate business shits who want to sneak in that bridge to the island airport. The bridge would be damaging for the lakefront, the wildlife, the lake bottom, and there would be temporary jobs, then, the jobs that have kept many families secure would be lost(the marine jobs that have been in place for decades, paying well and with a fair bit of security). Pitfeild actually had the nerve to say she would hire a forensic accountant to go through the books. What a bitch. We don't need no stinking bs like that. for gods sake, spend the money somewhere useful you cow.

There is no fantastic politicians or political parties, but you need to choose the one that screws around the least and has the general community in concern.

It's a no brainer, the least mess to the city will be to vote for David Miller.

and when it comes to provincial or federal voting...again, vote like Tommy Douglas. Either the Green Party, but make sure they aren't just Tories in sheeps clothing...or NDP. These guys may not be perfect but at least they have mandates to protect very crucial defining finacial and social constructs like tolerance and health insurance.

Candy Minx said...

Oh another important thing...there was some talk about cleaning up on crime and policing.Pulease...crime rates dropped because of leaglized abortion. The criminals simply weren't being born. Another trcik with the hands is to flap about crime....