Sunday, May 28, 2006

Movie Review: Poseidon

Oh, no, that wave is big. Yiiiiiiiiiii. EEEEEEGhads. Bang Bang Bang Clang Smash. Ohhhhhhh nooooooo. Water's coming in......yikes, flash fire....dead people, more dead people. Connor, Connor, where are you......oh, Dad....this way this way.....shake him off or we'll all, whooooosh, clang, splash, ohhhhh nooooooooooo. I can't go on. You must go on. Oh My God....This is the only way. The bow's under water. clang, clang, splash smash.

That's about it. I had no emotional attachment to any of the characters. The acting was pretty bad. The script was pretty bad. I really wanted Shelley Winters and Ernest Borgnine to be there. The effects were pretty good - we saw it in an IMAX theatre, and all that banging and splashing and burning and drowning and exploding was fairly effective.

On the 5-fish anchovy rating scale, I give this film a generous 2 salties.


mister anchovy said...

No. I read the book early on, but it was just so pitifully bad - a waste of a perfectly good conspiracy. I can't bear to see the film.

Wandering Coyote said...

I'll be sure to give this one a miss.