Sunday, February 26, 2006

New Idea 2

New Idea 2, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.


I posted these to give a glimpse into the world behind the studio doors - the world of the unfinished painting. Since posting these, all of them have been transformed quite a bit....


Timmer said...

What is the scale on these little guys? Keep em going. One note about little guys though...sometimes they can turn out to be true gems and keepers. I wonder when it is time to let them be finished?

mister anchovy said...

they're 9 or 10 inches wide, I forget. I bought a case of canvases this size, loads of them. I have half a dozen about halfway done, another half dozen just starting, and last night, I finished 6 of them. You know they're finished when you feel a tapping on your shoulder and a perfect stranger says, hey bud, I think this is done....