Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fly Fishing History: Trout Madness

For anyone thinking about becoming a fly fisherman, I think you'll enjoy reading Trout Madness, by Robert Traver. Written by the same author who wrote the classic courtroom novel, Anatomy of a Murder (which became an Otto Preminger film starring Jimmy Stewart), this is about the best book of fly fishing stories I've ever read. Traver, whose real name was John D. Voelker, grew up on the Michigan Upper Peninsula and spent much of his life chasing trout on the Escanaba and other rivers and beaver ponds. His stories betray a love for the land and for his precious brook trout that is very compelling. Traver says to his beloved brookies: Come to Daddy, Come to Daddy, Come to Daddy-O.

If you happen to see a copy at a garage sale or in a used book store, buy and read immediately. I've been thinking about Traver because I'm considering another trip to the U.P. in the spring. Trout Madness gets my highest rating, a full can of anchovies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. Found your site by searching for trout flies. So many sites have little new info on trout flies, but yours is excellent.