Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ducks on Social Assistance

ducks, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

We have a significant population of ducks and geese that don't bother flying south any more. Instead, they hang out by the lake and by Grenadier pond and live on what they can panhandle. There was a fellow with his young child down at the lake today, tossing bread to the ducks. The father would break off little chunks and toss them out, but his kid took whole slices and flung them out into the lake like frisbees, attracting not just the ducks, but the seagulls as well. I think there was a time when seagulls ate fish. Now their preferred diet is french fries.

1 comment:

greatwhitebear said...

It's the same here... even the Coots are starting to hang around! they seem to have a symbiotic relationship with our senior citizens.