Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A blast from the past....

Tuffy P unearthed this old photo while packing for our move. That's Claude Breeze, me and Ron Bloore. I don't remember what year this was, but I'd guess it's late 80s.


Wandering Coyote said...

It looks like Alan Alda on the right!

Candy Minx said...

Oh great photo. That must have been on one of your marathon watercolour expeditions.

mister anchovy said...

I don't know, Candy. It looks like it, but then again, Claude didn't normally come on those. It was usually me and Tuffy and Timmer and Ard and Bloore.

mister anchovy said...

WC, those two guys were both my teachers in University. They're both painters, and in some circles both very well known.

Wandering Coyote said...

Very cool! I'm don't know any artists other than you, Tuffy, and my friend Anita, so I wouldn't recognize the names.

Still, the man on the right does bear a striking resemblance to Alan Alda.

zydeco fish said...

Love the plaid.

Candy Minx said...

Ah, I might be able to help with the date...I came with you guys once. And so did Bloore. I know this because he really teased me about taking oil paints...and I painted a landscape and painted right over the frame. I had brought a framed canvas with me! But maybe this is a completely different's just the jaunty outdoorsy wear that could be confusing me...

Candy Minx said...

p.s I meant to say if that is that would make it 1992...