Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pulp Fiction revisited

Pulp Fiction was on the tube the other night. I guess I hadn't seen it in several years. Back when it was made, I thought it was a really good film, bold, inventive, well-made and well-acted.

Watching it again, Tuffy P and I both thought it felt dated and stale. The whole Bruce Willis thread in the film just didn't seem to hold up at all at all at all. There were good sequences in the film for sure. It just didn't seem nearly as good this time around as I thought it was. Maybe it was simply the right film for its time, but not for today? I don't know. I was kind of surprised at how disappointed I was.


Bridget Jones said...

The first time I saw that movie, I was treated by a friend. We both felt sick during it (the gun in the car thing was especially bad). Didn't see that the humor justified the other stuff at all.

Then saw it a second time, since so many were raving about it. Didn't really change my view.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's been eons since I have watched it as well, and I'm sorry to hear that it doesn't hold up to the passage of time. I won't other rewatching it then, and will remember it as quite brilliantly subversive.

zydeco fish said...

But, the Royale with Cheese and fries with mayo conversation is classic.

Candy Minx said...

Ah. I watched this one night about 4 years ago. I was on my way out the door to do something, and I put on the tv while getting ready.

I never landed up going out again because I landed up watching the whole thing.

I thought it not only held up but was even more well constructed and acted than I already thought. I still say this should have won best pic over Forest Gump...has some of the most profound subtexts of female characters in a seemingly dominant male movie and the best timing and editing and writing.

And then of course...the genius, "Kill Bill"Vols. 1&2." and "Reservoir Dogs" might just be better than them all.

IM (not so ) HO.


Did you have commercial interuptions and a very small tv?

Gardenia said...

I saw this film well after it was in the height of its glory as well, and felt the same way. It's interesting to me to see how many films reflect best the time they were made in.

mister anchovy said...

Candy, I'm glad the movie holds up for you. Sorry, but I don't think a big screen would help me on this one.

A said...

It's SO MUCH better with bunnies:

mister anchovy said...

That's too funny, a