Sunday, February 03, 2008

more memories from the International Accordion Festival

We were right there, watching Yuri Yunakov and his Ensemble play their Bulgarian Wedding Music. In fact, watch for a quick shot of Candy Minx approaching the stage with her video camera. I believe we had left the main stage and were walking around seeking some lunch, when we heard this ensemble at the workshop stage. They pretty much stopped us in our tracks. We joined the dance circle too! What fun. We saw this band play again at one of the evening concerts. Fantastic musicianship and intensity.

1 comment:

Candy Minx said...

Thats great...and how hilarious, just like me to walk in front of someone elses camera huh? Um...this led me to realize that I guess I didn't post my videos from that same concert...I must have just watched them here and not put them online...oh boy I have t=ons more of YouTube stuff to do apparently! I thought I had already loaded that song etc...