Milwaukee Minnesota
Milwaukee Minnesota is an odd little film about a fellow named Albert, a simple fellow, who is the best fisherman in Milwaukee and has made scads of money in ice-fishing tournaments. After his mother dies, vultures start chasing his money. The film was released in the UK in 2004 and in North America in 2005. I had never heard of it, and picked it up more or less at random at the video store. It was screened at a number of festivals and received mixed reviews
I thought it was a charming, if idiosyncratic film, well worth watching. On the 5 fish anchovy rating scale, I give this one 3 salty ones.
Mr Anchovy? A film about fishing with fish in it? I would say you're biased but I've seen this and it is indeed charming. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Happy 2008 mate. Hope it's a cracker for you.
well, I was getting a little excited at the sight of fish.
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