Sunday, October 21, 2007

Still in the Swamp

Hey, there's Candy Minx with a water hyacinth picked for her by our guide, Bryan Champagne.


Anonymous said...

The swamp pictures are great. There is such atmosphere and a little nervy with gators around on logs. You must have enjoyed the tour!

mister anchovy said...

It was enhanced by a great guide. Bryan knew so much about the plants and animals, including the effect of non-native plants to the swamp. It was like being in another world. Bryan stood in the back of the boat, and we would here him say, gator at 1:00, another one over there. That bird on the left is a snowy egret, and so on. He also showed us some duck blinds hunters use on the swamp. Hunters pull their boats into the blinds to hide them. They can't use dogs because of the gators (Bryan said that alligators love dogs....). One fellow asked about a certain kind of spider, and Bryan said he would show us some, and had us in front of one in about 30 seconds. His boat holds about 20 people, but can still run through 6 inches of water. It was quite an experience.