Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Space, the final frontier

Yesterday, we decided last minute to check out NASA, since we were in the Houston area. Although it reminded me more than a bit of Graceland, it was still fascinating to be in the old mission control, looking at a set of totally obsolete equipment that managed to get people to the moon and back safely. The training facility, with mock-ups of the shuttle and the international space station and the Canadarm was also amazing to see. We had dinner at a 70s vintage Italian place called Frenchies, where the astronauts often go for pasta the night before a mission (or so they say).

After some debate - do we continue south to Galveston, or head directly east toward Lake Charles - we connected to 10 east and headed for the bayous. We stayed in the Holiday Inn in beautiful industrial Beaumont Texas last night. We're going to check out an art museum here, then head into Louisiana.

I'm pleasantly surprised I've been able to find as much computer access as I have...who knows if I'll have access again before New Orleans. Later.

1 comment:

Ink Casualty said...

One of my life dreams is to visit there!