Searches that found this place
venice biannale 2006 official site
"johnny ace"
"johnny cash" finger
cabbage rolls
johnny cash art middle finger
Peter Max
"Can't Go On" by Nick Nolan lyrics
what does a anchovy eat
peter max
art toronto ardis
ikea catalogue, dog picture
Ikea catalogue dog picture
johnny cash middle finger
johnny cash finger
Mysto Erector Set #0
"long point two-step"
caulifower salad
Johnny Cash finger
mysto erector huh? I hope you were talking about TOYS!
I had so many word searches this past weekend, and funny...I am almost ready to post another list...
Listen heads up, thought you'd like this...
This made me want to do a weird search just to make your day la la la!!!
Sally just showed me her log (because I bugged her to) and some of the search queries are a tad odd:
lorna+mills+porn (ok I find that funny)
peed+on+at+the+zoo (who searches for that?)
crow+we+want+to+be+your+only+bird (I mean its true, but still)
reverse+speech+in+music+of+gino+vanelli (that one is my fault)
sometimes the search terms make magical poems, don't they?
If we turn them into haikus, would the "+" sign count as a syllable? (and I really need to know this right away before I leap into the fast paced & frenetic world of poetry)
All I can say is that when we turn
lorna mills porn
peed on at the zoo
& reverse speech in the music of gino vanelli into a poem, we're going to have some pretty hot stuff.
"peed on at the zoo" comes from this inane comment thread. (less perved out than it sounds)
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