Saturday, July 29, 2006


I busked wih my button box from 11:00 this morning until about 2:30, with a lunch break in there somewhere, and had my best day at St. Lawrence market - best in terms of $$ but also, I think I was playing at my best too. I was in the north building, a spot I like when I can get it. Lot of people out buying market fresh veggies - in other words a good crowd. Reaction was pretty good today too....even a couple impossible requests (like I'm playing folky dance tunes, and buddy askes for a Drifters tune).....

I met a character who was setting up to dance tango in the market - from here. He has a permit (???) to dance there at 2:00 each Saturday.

I've also started to notice an interesting cast of regular characters who hang out at the market. Some are vendors; others are more mysterious.....

1 comment:

mister anchovy said...

I think it does Pie. When people seem to be enjoying the music, I for sure play with more umph, and sometimes I get more creative too....Saturday, I was playing a cumbia and somehow or other it turned into a kind of Bo Diddley thang, don't ask me how, but it was lots of fun.