Friday, July 10, 2009

Innovative Garden Sharing program

This article from the Toronto Star caught my attention.

The garden-lover's version of Lavalife was launched in Toronto this week by a group of diehard food-growers. The site,, posts ads from green thumbs looking for sunny spots to dig in and "brown thumbs" who have the land, but not the time or gift for growing food. In exchange for their soil and water, they get half the bounty.

The idea is to match unused space in the city with people who want to grow food on it.

Great idea!

1 comment:

Metro said...

Theoretically I'm already doing this. Unfortunately, the people I'm doing it with are a bit irresponsible and have essentially left all the actual work to me. As I have a lackadaisical attitude to weeding it works out alright, more-or-less. But Mme keeps saying the wild patch "creeps her out".