Thursday, January 22, 2009

famous blueberry muffins

...Tuffy P fires an email over to me asking if I was going to make my famous blueberry muffins tonight. Yeah, I thought, my famous blueberry muffins. What a great idea. Wait a second...I'm not famous for blueberry muffins. I've never even made blueberry muffins. They can't be all that hard though, can they? I mean I did OK making butter tarts.

Thanks go out to Spicecat for an excellent recipe. The muffins are excellent, and I can smell fresh coffee....


Wandering Coyote said...

You'd never made blueberry muffins before? Really?

mister anchovy said...

nope, I'm a pretty good cook but pretty new to this baking business...

Candy Minx said...


Gardenia said...

Oh this sounds so good - I LOVE anything with blueberries - we get lucky during season here and a friend brings us bagsful for the freezer - they work well in about anything - smoothies, baked goods - even a blueberry sauce for fish - but muffins are the classic - !!!!