Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blog Traffic

Blog traffic is a mystery to me. It goes up; it goes down. Occasionally, there is an explanation, like I've posted something about an issue which is getting a lot of play in the news. Other times, I don't understand what drives it.

In fact, outside of a small circle of friends, I'm not sure why anyone comes here at all, unless it's for the accordion videos (everyone loves accordion videos, right?). Anyway, my hit count has been inexplicably going up over the past two or three weeks.

Let's take a look how people stumbled here, looking for more interesting places:

accordion hero - how did they know?
Patychky - are so tasty
stan of green gables - Har!
lupe rodriguez - RIP
cajun riviera music - Holly Beach...and there are songs about it too
. Here's another one to the tune of Under the Boardwalk.

scrubby and the dynatones - make good polka
saskatoon crumble - I've made this, with saskatoons from the former Anchovy World Headquarters
st. annes reel - good tune
ben shahn drawings - an excellent painter
dennis weaver's earthship - who knew?
lyrics j'ai passe devant la porte - a Cajun lament
dead carp - a problem on the Kawarthas last year
mister anchovy - that's me!
vibrandoneon - I did one little vibrandoneon post and people find it all the time. You go figure.
papamo recipe dish - hey, wrong blog...try here

For those you who stumbled on over here by accident, stay awhile, I hardly ever bite.


Candy Minx said...

Those are pretty fun search words. I've got some real doozies ...I haven't posted for awhile.

I always get the faithful bunch of searches: "history of masterbation"

I am sure I've disappointed a lot of word searches!

Bridget Jones said...

OH MAN I was going to be witty for once but when I saw 'saskatoons', the hungries took over. Then I got a glance at the post previous' pic.

Groan I gotta eat!

Anonymous said...

Sehr geEhrter Herr AnChovy

Il n'est pas une mysterie pourquoi je visite le vestre Blogge

Il est tres amusant et kind- c'est une tragedie que mon Norman-Francais ne sufficepas pur sayer comment bon il est

Bon Noel

L'Aigle Gris

wv = plypoup