Friday, August 15, 2008

Weekly Recipe feature?

I've been thinking of adding a weekly recipe feature here at mister anchovy's. As well as my own concoctions and old family recipes, I'd be happy to feature recipes from my friends. If you'd like a recipe featured, send it to me along with some kind of story about it, or perhaps a photo. I'll publish it, and if you're a blogger, I'll also link back to your blog.


Wandering Coyote said...

Cool idea, Mr. A!

Have you considered starting a food blog?

I'm going to be doing a borscht post next week - the Doukhobor version we serve at work.

mister anchovy said...

I haven't really thought about a food blog. I think it would take more time and energy than I have to put into it right now, and I think I'm really interested in making mister anchovy's the best blog I can make it. I would like to add a bit of structure to mister anchovy's by having some regular features and I figured food would be a good start, because, well, lots of people enjoy food and cooking.

I'm still interested in adding some regular columnists to this blog too (hey I.R. remember my not-so-subtle suggestion that you do a film column? If you can be talked into it, let me know and I'll set you up). If anyone else out there would like to propose a weekly, biweekly, or even 'occasional' column, let's talk.

I have a restless imagination, and I want mister anchovy's to continue to evolve in different ways.

Gardenia said...

This will be super cool! I will send a recipe for our family potato salad next time I make it - I don't make it too often because of the darn diet thing. Everyone gains five pounds after they eat it.