Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three very brief movie reviews

Tuffy rented these...

Delirious...It has Steve Buscemi in it so it has to be good, right? We gave it a half hour or so but gave up after that.

American Gangster...Pretty good timewaster. Nothing great about it, but parts were pretty interesting. Russell Crowe normally annoys me a lot. I don't know why. The exception is 310 to Yuma in which his acting was quite compelling. In this film, he only annoyed me a little bit. The weakness of the film was that the plot was too simple and predictable (gangster gets powerful; gangster's world falls apart). Still, not a bad renter at all.

The Kingdom...It's still on downstairs and Tuffy's watching it. I abandoned ship. I thought it was a howler.

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

I'm laughing about tolerating a rental movie. :) We paid big money the other night at the theater and tolerated a movie we should have walked out on with loud protests - but oh well.

Have you seen Adam Sandler in Reign on Me? Really, really liked that one