Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I went into a local major retailer today, to buy an electric razor for a friend who lives in a nursing home. The item I was looking for was located in the furthest aisle by the wall in a locked case. I searched around for an employee to open the case, and joked with him that he'd better escort me over to the checkout to be sure I didn't try to pocket the razor. He said that actually he had to do just that. I had never had anything like this happen to me before. I felt like I was being treated like a criminal. Next time, I'll think twice about shopping there.


Wandering Coyote said...

Good God. The Hudson's B--, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Name names, that is what blogs are for.

Bridget Jones said...

How stupid. The drugstore near me used to do something similar with their very expensive razor blade refills, then stopped.

I don't blame you for going elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

C'mon people..get hip to the facts..cameras are everywhere and everything is a security measure..woodchuck to ground squirrel,...woodchuck ot ground squirrel..c'min ground squirrel over...


Candy Minx said...

I get treated like that every day of my life.


This reminds me of Michael's Moores movie where the bank was giving out free guns when you sign up for an account.

I used to work the suicide till in a drug store, so i can understand why the case was locked.

Anonymous said...

do they gold plate your electric razors over there?

Anonymous said...

Did he also carry it for you? You know, in case you tried to make a run for it.

Yes, name the store!

Gardenia said...

Oh, that is on my list of pet peeves - the idiots - do they think the loss of business this ignorance causes is really worth it?

The next on list of pet peeves is going to a buffet, and having the wait staff take your fork away. Not that I do buffets any damage anymore, but that's just nervy.

Candy, awwwwwwww.....its because you look like Meryl Streep and she must have been caught shoplifting once...????????????

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You'd think those razors were made of plutonium or something, wouldn't you?