Thursday, August 14, 2008


Anchovy World Headquarters will be moving to new digs at the end of the month. The ugly specter called packing has begun. Once we move and get settled, I'll tell you all about the new place. In the meantime, please cut me a little slack if my posts become a bit sporadic between now and then. Don't worry though, there will always be time enough to post a few accordion videos along the way, like this one:

I want their hats!


Gardenia said...

After all that work on the gardens!!!! Well, you are in for the awful work of moving - take pictures for us when you get there, ok?

Wandering Coyote said...

Oh, I'm glad to hear you found a place; I was wondering how house hunting was going. I'll be sorry to see your garden go, but I'm sure you'll make wherever you're going home in no time! I hope the kitties adjust OK...Some of them just don't like change, do they?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

We shall cut you slack, but there is no way we are helping you move.

Good luck!

Candy Minx said...

Hey great to hear the packing is going well...but don't forget. Taking a break from packing by stepping into blogland is also refreshing and might give you more energy to pack and move!

Don't stay away too long!

mister anchovy said...

I'll miss the gardens too, but at the new place, I can start new and different gardens and that's exciting too.

The thing is that we needed more space. We looked at renovating our current place and discovered that the cost of renos is so high that it made a lot more sense to us to explore the real estate market instead.

sp said...

Those are great hats!
Good luck with the move.
Did you find a place in the same neighbourhood? It's such a great area.

mister anchovy said...

We'll be moving to Longbranch, SP, near the lake, and just down the street from Sam Smith park and Humber College.