Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dirty Old Town

Pogues (with Kirsty MacColl)...

John Walsh, formerly from Bay de Verde, sings 3 minutes of "Dirty Old Town" during a Newfoundland cabin party at Eastport, NL.

and here's a lovely version by North Sea Gas

Cats are prowling on their beats, indeed. I love this song. I think it was written by Ewan MacColl, back in the mid-50s. Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of a coal mining town in Pennsylvania I spent a few days in, with my pal East Texas Red. We were exploring about, looking for any trout streams that hadn't been messed up by mine tailings. It turned out there were very few. Still there was fishing. They planted trout of various sizes in the acidified water. We stopped at one fly shop, where the fellow suggested we fish a certain creek, which would offer good fishing a couple miles upstream from a certain bridge. Before the season opened, they would stock the whole stretch, then the local piscators would start at the bridge and work their way upstream, catching and killing all the stockers they caught along the way. When we got there, they had cleaned out two miles of trout, with another mile or so to go. We finally found a tiny little creek in a valley over-run with rhodedendrons, with emerging hendrickson mayflies and pretty little wild 8 inch brown trout. It was a very beautiful little spot.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

It seems a little optimistic of them to continue stocking those tailings polluted waters, but you still have to give them credit for trying, I guess. I do hope it was catch and release, as I am not sure I would want to eat those.

mister anchovy said...

I think it's catch and keep in those streams. PA was blessed with a lot of very pretty trout streams, but they've done a lot of damage to them over the years, mostly through coal mining.