Friday, June 13, 2008

John S. Zinsser RIP

John S. Zinsser was the editor at Readers Digest responsible for some 800 condensed books. I always thought those were the most curious things, written for people who just want a general knowledge of everything, with none of the detail, subtlety and artistry of the original. If I did that for a living, I would always be feeling guilty for my crimes against literature.

Imagine there was somebody out there doing the same thing for works of art? The possibilities are endless.


Candy Minx said...

This was a delightfully funny post!

I wonder if he had a "readers digest" funeral?

"Dearly beloved,rest in peace, okay out of the funeral home! Next!"

I sometimes think that art school is a way to "readers digest" young takes a lot of personal interest to read books these days...and a lifelong engagement with art is also so fight off "ideas" or "constraints" about art.

Maybe "blockbuster" art shows are a kind of readers digest format..."here is an art period all in one room" as if thats possible...

but then I tend to be highly sensitive to situations of control freaks or brainwashing...heh heh...

A said...

I grew up devouring those condensed books (along with zillions of whole books), and at some point in my teens, I came across a copy of one of the novels I had particularly admired in its entirety at the library. I took it home and compared them, and to my astonishment, I could not find the difference. Seriously.

I read the two side by side and couldn't locate the missing words, the vanished sentences. And yet, the condensed version was obviously shorter. It was like magic. I know he did it, I just don't know how!