Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fate In A Pleasant Mood: One Solution

Fa moat ana depletions
Amp detonation safe la
Tine aflame pandas too
Emotional fane adapts
Intonate plasma Dafoe
Nationals pomade feat
Ape laminates ant food
Palatinates fade moon
Lonesome fiat and tapa
Emotions panel fat ada
Anon foam dilapitates
Sea plantation foamed
Apnea dominates float
Node foams palatinate
Tea laminated an spoof
Molestation deaf Napa
Optional fees adamant
Ottomans paean afield
Detonates foil Panama



It must be the vodka....

Anonymous said...

Anon foam dilapitates should, of course, read: Anon foam delapitates.

mister anchovy said...

very nice, VOX