Sunday, November 04, 2007

Michael Clayton

Michael Clayton seemed to hit the theatres with little fanfare or hype. We went to the Yorkdale Cineplex to see it tonight, and it was only on one screen and only at one time.

It's good though, very good. George Clooney was very well cast, and he did a first-rate job as the "fixer" for a large corporate law firm. When bad things happen, he takes care of them. He isn't so good at taking care of his own life, though. He's got a gambling problem. He's broke. He has family problems.

Another lawyer, assigned to defend a big nasty corporation from a squillion dollar suit, goes nuts, or maybe he's not so nuts. He starts making a case for the other side. Michael Clayton has to "fix" the problem, but it isn't so easy.

On the 5 fish anchovy rating scale, I give this one 4 tasty salties.

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