Cajun Punch
The look from the outside is very invite-in! Two extra large paintings decorate the two sides. One is a couple dressed up dancing & the other is a detail of instruments. The atmosphere "feels" beyond friendly. Lots of business cards hang everywhere with thumbtacks.
The food was great. I ate good and can't remember what my other close friends ate with me due to a couple of Cajun Punch. A Cajun Punch is this concoction of mixed juices with the orange wedge & cherry and some "guess-ti-mate" of rum. I also remember having a Jack Daniels dessert that was "killer" good. My three friends teased me by sayin' that there was little if no Jack Daniels taste in the cake because it all "cooks & bakes" out before it's done. (Historical plaque says Mulates this world famous institution is recognized for it's role in the preservation and restoration of our Cajun culture and heritage...)
Chalk this up to experience-as three friends foolin' with me aftersome Cajun Punch. The music is other worldly like most of the landscape & everything else way out compared to such urban surroundings that I'm a little more used to. The ay-core-deenz, the drum, the bass, the guitar, the fiddle and the triangle work their own magic within their own styles in and around the bayou. Here I am putting up Tuffy P and Mister Anchovy's business cards...
Cajun Dance Cam of Jay Cormier & Cajun Country Band by Candy Minx from her YouTube page.
Here is a great website for transcribing music. Thank you to Candy's friend at Cormac McCarthy Society forum for this one, Black Dog Barking. STAGG
Great post, Stagg - sounds like a fun, fun place - yah, Louisiana is like another planet, but once you've been you get hooked! Glad ya'll had so much fun. Hope you'll come back.
Great post and I like the new layout you've got going on here.
Btw, did you know Cajun culture is originally from Canada? The stupid British evicted the Acadians and they headed straight for the US.
There is an Acadian festival in New Brunswick every summer - I'd love to go one year.
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