Monday, October 22, 2007

More International Accordion Festival - Ed Poullard and Lawrence Ardoin

Ed Poullard was to have played with the legendary Bois Sec Ardoin at the festival in San Antoinio this year. Mr. Ardoin, who died in May at 91, was part of the first generation of recorded Creole musicians. Bois Sec's son, Lawrence, came out of retirement to join Mr. Poullard for some festival gigs. Lawrence Ardoin is the father of Zydeco aces Chris and Sean Ardoin - what a family tradition of great music!

I also took a shot from the back of the Arneson River theatre to show what a spectacular venue this was. The San Antonio Riverwalk area is beautiful, and the theatre is set up so the stage is on one side of the river with the amphitheater on the other, with lots of room for dancing alongside the river.


sp said...

what a wonderful site to sit back and enjoy. Great pictures all around.

Karen said...

It certainly looks like you guys are having a great time! You gotta tell me the truth everything big in Texas??? A friend who once dated a Texan claims that this is not true.. Tee hee.

I got a beautiful postcard from Candy today telling me all about the fabulous food, drink, and entertainment! I'm so jealous.

mister anchovy said...

Well, there was a giant armadillo statue in front of the awesome bbq joint we ate at in Houston. I can't testify as to what else is big, though. I can say that the bbq brisket was supremo!

Gardenia said...

This was a gorgeous venue - what a nice time that must have been. You can find no better bbq than that of Texas! Well, maybe the Ozarks excluded - and a few rare places along the coast - usually one of those converted oil drum bbq'er ma-chines at someone's cookout with secret bbq sauce recipe. How did the cats fare while you folks were gone?


Beautiful place. Dangerous for dancin'. I'd fall in without a doubt.

mister anchovy said...

The cats were fine. An old friend of ours (and theirs) came in every day to feed them and hang out.