Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mister Anchovy's Postcard Challenge

Yes, another postcard quiz. Today's question: Where were these made? Bonus points if you know the era too.


Metro said...

I'm guessing the 1960s and Mexico. My mum and dad brought something like that home from their first trip.

mister anchovy said...

Not Mexico. Not 1960s. Not warm.

Karen said...

I'm going to say Philippines in the 20s....?

mister anchovy said...

Well Karen, I hate to say it, but you're not any warmer than metro...

Gardenia said...

the Balkins?


1993 in a garden shed in Rochdale

mister anchovy said...

Not a bad guess, four dinners, but the back of the postcard says something different altogether. Gardenia, you're the closest. The pottery was apparently made in the Ukraine in the 30s. Thanks all for your guesses.

Candy Minx said...

Ooh...I like this game...sorry I missed it.

sp said...

I missed it! The style does remind me of a matrushka doll.

Gardenia said...

Yay! What did I win? Just kidding. Have a super vacation in my "stompin' grounds." Eat lots of grits, greens, pralines, and............

mister anchovy said...

hey Gardenia...I haven't got the prize business together yet, so I guess you can just bask in the glory....however, I'm thinking of setting up a multi-part postcard challenge over the winter, with a prize for most correct answers (I need to procure more cards!)....

* (asterisk) said...

Cool. We kinda collect acquasantiere, as you might remember. We have six so far. That's a cute one on the postcard, too.

Anonymous said...

My guess, coming so late, was Russia and 14th century. Oh well. I always have problems with being too early.