Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fun with Postcards

Today's question: Where are these people and what on earth are they up to? I blackened out the little sign that would have given it away, but I think somebody will come up with this one fairly quickly.

I'm off to play Go tonight, but I'll check in tomorrow to see who guessed correctly.


Karen said...

I know! I know!

They're about to kiss the Blarney Stone located at the Blarney Castle in Cork, Ireland. What do I win?

mister anchovy said...

Excellent, Karen. That's exactly where they are and what they're doing, those madcaps. I haven't figured out prizes yet, so really all you win is the satisfaction of being the smartest blogger on the block today.

Gardenia said...

That was quick! I figured it was Europe, but not close enough, eh? These are fun!

Metro said...

Heh. I was cautioned by a resident of Blarney not to do that.

Apparently it's the Blarney equivalent of painting the moose's balls pink in Moose Jaw to clamber over the gate and climb the tower to void one's used beer on the Stone.

Anonymous said...

Merhaba Effendi

Well done, Mr Anch

Have you thought of adopting Monsieur Metro's sagacious expedient of awarding a much-coveted No-Prize

I came 6th in his recent competition, but AerChie (& IH and some confouded Walrus) were admittedly so much funnier

gorusuruz [au revoir]