Wednesday, August 08, 2007


J and I have been doing regular Wednesday night recording sessions for a while now, and overall, I'm very pleased with the results. During the week he added bass and guitar to a Portuguese tune we recorded. The plan was to add a harmony button accordion track and possibly harmonica with a kind of train percussion sound tonight - but when we played back the piece, we agreed it was best to keep it as is and not add anything else at all. We also started recording Adelita, a song from the Mexican Revolution. We put down a track with J on guitar and me on button accordion. I felt I was playing a little sloppy tonight, and I made some errors, but we got a good take down and I think the song is going to sound fine. I'm working on another Portuguese tune to record in the next couple weeks. It's a corridinho, but I don't know a title for it. The song is not complicated but it is tricky to play. There are some triplets that are awkward on the button accordion that are still giving me trouble. It's a beautiful number, though, and worth the work.


Candy Minx said...

This recordign sessions will be wonderful to hear I bet you are having a lot of fun amking them!

mister anchovy said...

It's a gas making the recordings and also a challenge. Fortunately J is very good at it, and makes me sound good by playing the other instruments so well.