Monday, July 30, 2007

Is the Toronto Sun being petty?

Is the Toronto Sun being petty examining how our city councillors are spending their office budgets? Since the Mayor was not successful in his immediate bid to hike taxes and is now looking at budget cuts, it's fair game to look at how our elected officials are spending our money. Sure the rag is being sensationalist as usual, but our councillors should be open and accountable when spending our dough. In fact, a healthy and public audit is not a bad idea.

1 comment:

Candy Minx said...

Boy, those boxes of tea...2 for 20 bucks better have been ginormous boxes of like, 1,000 te bags. I drink a lot of tea and a 130 tea bag of Red Rose is about 4.80 if I recall correctly.

I think shopppingat Up Country for furniture for municipal offices is ridiculous and shoud be reprimanded. I'm embarrassed. I like the store Upcountry very much...but it is a designer store for the upward well off. Not for our public servants.

See...someone else, random folks in the city should control these budgets...on all these bastards.

And 17 bucks for a taxi for 2 km? That is a half hour walk. A half hour walk, that lazy bitch should walk to work.

It's not so much that the Sun is being's that why not take this energy and do it with all the politicians...funny how they didn't write this article with that crook Mel Lastman. He was a well...I won't swear here further...