Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sun Ra in Chicago

this link, courtesy of bifurcated rivets, is for Stagg.
"The space-voices got me on a space wisdom beam, and the beam led me to Chicago."
— Sun Ra, 1962

"If you were in Chicago in 1958, you might have happened into a jazz club on the South Side to find a band of musicians dressed in outer-space costumes, chanting “rocket number nine, take off for the planet Venus,” and setting loose battery-driven robots. On another day, on a stroll through Washington Park, kitty-corner from the Baptist preacher and across from the Nation of Islam representative, you could have come upon a street-corner lecturer in a flowing faux-leopard cape and black beret, detailing the etymology of the word “negro” and the coded meanings of the Bible. In both cases, the same mastermind was responsible: Sun Ra."

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