Trout flies
After a drive to Burlington this morning to attend the Fly Fishing Forum, put on by the Isaac Walton Fly Fishing Club, I settled down at the vice and tied up some trout flies. For those who care about such things, you can find more pictures on The Southern Ontario Fly Fisher. The fly pictured here imitates the adult form of the caddis fly, or sedge, as it is called in some places.
OK, what do you mean by tied a trout fly? Do you create them from scratch with thread and pipe cleaners? I never understood what the term meant.
Yes, you start with a hook, then wrap some thread around the hook, then attach feathers or synthetic material for wings and tails, and some fur around the thread to make a fur/thread rope which you wrap around the shank of the hook to make a body. Flies are tied to imitate mayflies, caddisflies and stoneflies in all their life stages plus other bugs like ants and beetles and midges and dobson flies.
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