Saturday, March 03, 2007

Jerry gets a shot

Jerry has a skin problem that can be controlled with occasional shots of a steroid. We try to hold off giving him a new shot until his skin gets really bad, because he has FIV and we're worried that the steroid will be too hard on his organs. The last shot was April of 2006 and his skin was pretty good until December, when he started to get the characteristic sores on his back and on his front legs. They must bother him because he licks them, opening them up even further.

Today we took Jerry in to see his favourite vet, Dr. Pottins (she's our favourite too...not to slight the other excellent vets at the clinic). She is after all, the vet who wrote "the best cat you'll ever meet" on Jerry's chart. Jerry weighs 12.6 lbs, up half a pound from last visit. He got his shot, and went right back into the pet carrier for the ride home.


Gardenia said...

Poor Jerry. He might be allergic to his catfood. A good cat, and taking steroids too? A miracle. Kiss his little cat lips for me.

Red said...

I think it's so cool that the vet let you take this picture in the surgery. Canadians are so cool!

And lil' Jerry's elbow looks nasty, man. Does he have to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent licking his wounds?

mister anchovy said...

He wore one of those collars for a long time, but it didn't help. He learned to gnaw though them so he could still lick the wounds. The shot will clear up the problem quickly and it will likely remain clear for months.