Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Some people have all the luck

$66M worth of Picasso's stolen.

Some madcap or group of madcaps have gone and stolen a couple Picassos. How silly is that? It's not like you can go unload them with the local fence or anything. I mean, that old fart Pic only made the most recognizable work you can imagine. Who is going to buy these paintings? The entire known universe knows they are stolen.

On the other hand, I'd like to suggest that my own paintings are available to steal. Please bring a 5 ton truck, I have plenty of works. If they were all stolen, I could stop paying for storage, and could spend that savings on a new button accordion or perhaps a new handmade split bamboo fly rod...or maybe even pay off the car. I understand if you don't want to steal them all. Bring a friend, and divide them up. And, as a bonus, if you steal them all, and find you can't unload them - no problem - for a modest fee of only a few thousand canadianos, I'll let you return them - no questions asked.

Forget Picasso. Steal my art. You can see a selection on the sidebar.

A few years ago, Tuffy P's storage unit was broken into - twice! Each time, nothing was stolen. What is this, is everyone a critic? The lady from the storage company, upon hearing that nothing was stolen, offered her condolances. "I'm so sorry", she said.


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, good one Mr. A. I like "What is this, is everyone a critic?" I can viualize these two gay designer crooks from La Cop busting in to get paintings and turning them down in a fit of criticism!

Gardenia said...

Yeh, I'm adding up what it costs for storage per month, vs. putting up a storage/ would I rather have my back fixed or a new building in the back?

If folks steal the paintings, and manage to fence them, that should at least give you half.

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

You're a hoot! Anybody stupid enough to break into a storage unit would be too stupid to recognize real art!

greatwhitebear said...

If I stole them, I would have to wait until you die to fence them. Everybody knows an artist's work isn't appreciated until after he dies!

Wait, I am older than you..., um, might have to take one of the kids in as an accomplace. How's that for an inheritance... stolen art?

zydeco fish said...

Maybe you need an agent? Just give me directions, and I'll get the truck.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Anchovie & Innernetz friendz'
I told my Dad about what Mr. Anchovie sez' about this whole stlen art busy-mess and he said he might know someone in the Gambino &/or Arcardo crime famileez who will"steal" your art when you are out walkin' the cats or sumthin' all Chicago style. Most stolen art reappears within 7year averages. Sometimes its arms dealers who trade "masterp[ieces".


* (asterisk) said...

The story about robbers-turned-critics is priceless!