Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stacey & Mark at Hugh's Room

The thing about a Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart show is that by the end of it, you feel like you've known them for years. Their shows are warm and generous and they are obviously very very nice people. They have really good songs, they sing very well together and on their own, and Mark Stuart is one highly skilled guitar picker. As long as Richard Flohil keeps booking them at Hugh's Room, I'll try to be in the audience.

The only unfortunate thing is that Tuffy P has come down with a flu, and wasn't feeling up to going out. The Breezes were with us though, along with East Texas Red, and a new friend who works with East. I bought a CD for Tuffy, and both Stacey and Mark signed it for her..... Hopefully, she'll be feeling much better tomorrow.

On the 5 anchovy rating scale, Stacey & Mark get a trainload of salties, heading down to Tennessee and points south.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a gereat concert. I hope Tuffy P is feeling better and you don't get the flu. The other night /stagg was watching some show with Stacy Earle.

mister anchovy said...

Stacey Earle told a delightful story about growing up with all kinds of songwriters staying at her house - she recalls that they never seemed to leave and at night they ate all the good cereal so there was none left in the morning. She said she called Townes van Zant Mr. Townes and Guy Clark Mr which point Mark Stuart commented that maybe Guy Clark doesn't appreciate it that much any more that she still calls him Mr. Clark. She also said she grew up thinking you weren't supposed to sing anyone else's songs - that writing your own was the way it was supposed to be.

Something I didn't know - that Mark Stuart played lead guitar in Freddy Fender's band in the early 90s. That must have been quite a trip.

Stagg said...

I love Tuffy P very much and hope that she has a speedy recovery!!!
Lots-o love!!

mister anchovy said...

Tuffy says "thanks Stagg"