Sunday, November 19, 2006

Screamin Sam needs your scrap

I read the linked article in the Saturday Mop & Pail. Toronto punk icon (Viletones) and sculptor Screamin Sam was burnt out of his place during that big fire on Dupont St. on September 22. He's gathering scrap metal and other junk as raw material for new work to be displayed at his annual show and sale at the Cameron House. The article says he has to scale down this year as a result of the fire. I don't know Screamin personally - we met briefly just once over a decade ago - but if you get a chance, stop by the Cameron on December 9 and do some shopping. It must be really difficult losing everything in a fire. I'm sure he would appreciate a show of support from the community.

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

...the shinin' birch tree .....he must have visiting Wyoming.....thanks for the song