Sunday, November 26, 2006

Jim and that penguin movie

We have a friend, Jimmy, who is recovering from a series of medical disasters....a burst aneurysm, stroke and heart attack at once. He has no family, so his friends are all that he has. Jimmy was in serious trouble, but now he is starting to recover.....enough that he is eating on his own (he can't drink yet, so they give him gelled liquids), talking, able to answer questions in ways that demonstrate increasing understanding. He's in a long-term care facility, and everyone is really encouraged by his progress. Today Tuffy P wanted to take Jim out to a movie. We arranged for a wheel-chair accessable taxi and off we went to see the penguin movie. At the facility, they encouraged us to take him out, to expose him to more stimuli and to show him a good time, and help keep his spirits up. I think Jim did have a really good time, and with the cab and a wheel-chair accessable theatre, it wasn't difficult for us to take him out and back at all. If he continues to do as well as he is doing now, the plan is to take him out for Christmas dinner with our family.

By the way, the penguin movie was fun. It follows the usual formula for high-tech animated flicks, well done, with lots of music. 2 1/2 salties on the 5 anchovy rating scale (Jim gave it 5 stars)

1 comment:

Red said...

What a wonderful thing you did for your friend Jim. I'm sure knowing that you guys care so much for him will speed his recovery further. Here's to you all spending Christmas together!